How To Pull And Push Stop Information From Detrack And ElasticRoute

This tutorial will show you the steps to pull stop information from your Detrack account, plan, and send them back for your drivers to perform the jobs.

How To Pull Stop Information From Detrack

  1. Navigate to Calendar > Select a date.
  2. Click the Import button to open a drop-down.

    There are 3 options to retrieve jobs from your Detrack account.

    Option Description
    Pull from Detrack Retrieves all jobs from the selected date into ElasticRoute.
    Pull from Detrack (By Vehicle) Retrieves all jobs that correspond to the selected vehicle/s into ElasticRoute.
    Pull from Detrack (By Time Window)

    Retrieves all jobs that corresponds to the selected Time Window into ElasticRoute.
    Takes reference from Settings > Detrack > Time Window mapping.

  3. Click the Plan & Optimize button to plan the jobs.

How To Push Stop Information To Detrack

  1. After the planning process, click the Export > Push to Detrack button.

Your optimized route with the Run, Sequence, Assign To and ETA will be sent back to your Detrack account.
