How To Set Time, Distance and Stops Limits For Your Vehicles

To prevent the driver from over-working, ElasticRoute allows you to set certain constraints such as Time, Stops and Distance limits for your vehicle per day.

How To Set Up

There are 2 ways to set it up:

All Vehicles

If all of your vehicles have the same limits, you may follow the below mentioned steps.

  1. Navigate to Settings > General.
  2. Scroll down to Limit section. For example, you may enter values for Max. Time / Day, Max. Distance / Day, and Max. Stops / Day fields.

  3. Enter the data into the fields.
  4. Click Save.

Individual Vehicle

If all of your vehicles have different limits, you may follow the below mentioned steps.

  1. Navigate to Settings > Vehicles.
  2. Click on Add Vehicle or Edit Vehicle.
  3. Scroll down to Limit section. For example, you may enter values for Max. Time / Day, Max. Distance / Day, and Max. Stops / Day fields.
  4. Enter the data into the fields.
  5. Click Save.

    • The individual vehicle settings will override the information under General > Settings.

How To Use

Assuming that you have 1 vehicles and 30 stops.

Screenshot Of 30 Stops For Planning

With the Max. Stops / Day limit of 10, after planning, only 10 stops will be assigned to the vehicle, and the rest will be Unserved.

Screenshot Of Planned Results